The most popular and most visited Real Estate Web page in Spanish serving the Latin and European market in the Chicagoland area. You will easily find the most expansive and diverse real estate listings data base that you can't find in other web pages. We have our own independent data base and a unique system to make it easier in your real estate search.
Our property search engine features REO (bank owned) listings, residential properties, multi-family listings, and Short Sales. You can search in English or Spanish.
We have a list of towns available in the right column where you can chose the town, and if you are interested there is additional information about the town's statistics, for example schools, price ranges of homes, population, etc,
We are proud IllinoisbienesRaices to has been in business since 1985 serving the Chicagoland area and International markets with International listings in Spain, France, Italy and South America.
We have a special section designated especially for Chicago and divided into the Chicago neighborhoods.
You will find the the best priced listings here, more than any other site because this web page has its own data base of properties in the Chicago and surrounding suburbs of Illinois. When you are doing your search, you can search by zip code, or simply go to the Chicago page and there you will find all of the most popular Chicago neighborhoods. Our data base is superior in a user friendly format allowing you to search easily and extensively for your new home.
Additionally, you have access to information of homes for sell including Short Sales, REO's (bank owned), and properties that are delinquent on their mortgage including information on loan modifications in Chicago. Illinois Bienes Raices is designed to do a search of REO (bank owned) properties much easier than other web pages. With one click of a button that says foreclosures en Chicago or surrounding suburbs, you can find foreclosures or Short Sales.
You will have the option of searching for your desired construction, brick homes, frame homes, styles, bedroom count, baths, basements. Finding your perfect home couldn't be easier will Illinois Bienes Raices.